Dr. Daniel
Lonquist and Dr. Greg Haitz have has just completed the 8th, 9th
and10th books in the Wellness Solution series and once again they will be free
starting Wed Sept 21st on the Amazon Kindle store, but only for 5 days!
Use these links to grab yours. Remember, you do not need a kindle device
to read these. A free reader is available for Apple devices, PC computers,
Android devices, etc.
This eighth
book of our Wellness Solution Series explores the eating well aspect of health
and wellness. Although we have already touched on food, nutrition,
supplementation and what a healthy diet looks like, this book provides a much
deeper insight into the dimension of health. We discuss ways to help you to eat
healthy every day, whether you are at home, at work or school, eating out, or
on the road. We also present practical suggestions to encourage your kids to
eat well. Included with this Book 8 of the Wellness Solution Series is an accompanying
cookbook, full of healthy, delicious recipes.

This ninth book of our Wellness
Solution Series focuses on exercise for optimal wellness. In this book we are
taking exercise another step up by delving a bit deeper into weight bearing
exercises. We will discuss what is meant by fitness and look at the difference
between cardio and weight training types of exercises. We will explore the
types of exercises you need to be doing to meet your particular needs. We will include video links to be able to watch
all the exercises performed.
Mind Body Healing:
How to Create Optimal Health Using Your Thoughts
In this tenth book of our Wellness
Solution Series, we explore the mind-body connection to give you a deeper
appreciation for this interconnection. We live our lives in three dimensions,
physical, biochemical and emotional. Though our bodies are designed to adapt to
the environment, too much stress for too long in any of these dimensions can
have detrimental repercussions on physical health. In this book we present some simple and
highly effective strategies to reduce and even eliminate stress in the three
dimensions to reduce the possible negative toll on our overall physical health.
The first book of the
Wellness Solution Series, How
to Achieve Optimal Health & Wellness, established parameters for what health and wellness are as
they relate to emotional, physical and biochemical goals; the second book, Are You Healthy? Testing
Your Health, established some baseline scores towards your personal wellness
objectives; the third book, Nutrition and Exercise Fundamentals,
focused on nutrition
and exercise basics; the fourth book, From Toxic to Clean and Lean,
looked at turning
toxicities and deficiencies into purity and sufficiency; the fifth book, Demystifying Medications, Supplements and
Common Diseases
addressed supplements and medication; the sixth book, The Hidden
Truth about Diet and Nutrition discussed what is meant by a good diet; the seventh book, Eat Clean and
Regain Your Health examined the importance of periodically cleansing
your body of toxins.